Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Don't Want to Introduce People to Christians

This picture was the topic of controversy today. Actually one of my brother's posted it, claiming that this is another instance where hypocritical Christians were judging him. My heart broke for a second, and I chose to read the comments that had been posted on it.

In short, a guy had attempted to stand up for Christian's and my brother noted that he knows not all Christians are bad and that he respects his sisters faith. This stirred up a desire for me to post a comment - one directed to my brother, telling him that I love him and am glad he does not think I believe things such as this sign and I went on to explain a little more about my beliefs. Almost immediately after I left my comment, one of my brother's facebook friends told me to shutup.

In my flesh - I was ANGRY.

How dare this guy that doesn't even know me tell me to shutup?! Really, my first reaction was defense - he disrespected me for no reason, and I wanted respect.

But I stopped... Why did this guy want me to shutup? What on earth could my post, directed at my brother, have done to offend him. So politely I asked him. Then he cursed at me and told me that he didn't need to explain himself to a Christian. I wasn't even mad this time... I understood.

He has been hurt by a Christian or by the church before.

Something happened to make him so hateful towards all Christians - this guy really had no idea who I was and he hated me. I apologized for whatever hurt incurred to him, and went on about Christ's love for him. We exchanged a few more comments, with as much grace as I could muster up; but he was so closed off - he had already decided from the beginning he was not going to listen to me.

I actually got a little mad at Christians for a moment. Someone hurt him so bad that when he hears (or reads) the word Christian, hate automatically stirs in his heart. What a terrible thing he must have experienced. And it (likely) occurred in the name of Jesus. Wow!

I was disgusted, I was mad, I was ... GUILTY

I have been that "Christian" before; I have dishonored the name of Christ - I have (unintentionally) turned someone away from Christ. I HAVE BEEN THE WORST OF THESE. 

I have slaughtered opportunities to witness, I have been unloving to people who don't know the person of Christ, I have condemned people, I have written people off as guilty and didn't even think to consult The Judge about it. I have slandered the name of Christ.


Christians hold up those signs. Christians are ugly, broken, and sinful people. Yes we are redeemed and on a road of sanctification, but man am I still broken. Even in my growth, I am a shattered representation of Christ our King. I am not going to save anybody. And neither are you.


Christ. Now He saves people. He lived a perfect life. He endured the temptations we face every day, and He conquered them. He conquered sin, and He conquered death. That's who I want to introduce people to. I never want to be the standard, Christ alone is King. I am nothing without Christ. In my own flesh, I turn people away - in the Spirit, people are drawn close.

Today, my heart broke. For the guy I chatted with, for the people I have turned away, and for all of the lost. God. He alone can save. He hears our prayers, and is alone mighty to save.
I made a choice to hand my life over to Christ; a choice that each is presented with. My choice is not based on feelings, or what God can do for me. My choice is based on the Goodness of God, the Truth of Jesus, and the Power of the Spirit.

*Disclosure: I am surrounded by a wonderful community of Christians, and believe all Christians should be in Christian community - I simply do not believe that we have the power to save, or should ever be the standard for non-Christians.


  1. i have chills all over my body.
    thank you for this.

    can you start writing a book??!

    1. Aww thank you!
      Hahaha, I don't think a book is in my near future though!
